Since the first wave of COVID-19 cases in early 2020, companies all over the country have scrambled to find responsible and reliable ways to keep their doors open and their customers safe. With the second wave clearly upon us and infection rates once again increasing, elevated body temperature (EBT) screening is one of the best ways to screen customers and employees for infection while maintaining regular business hours.

Below, we’re going to discuss the recent surge in COVID cases in New York, as well as the benefits that EBT screening can bring during the second wave of infection.

Why Screening is So Important Now

According to news sources, the number of COVID-related hospitalizations has hit an all-time high of around 100,000. This is likely due, in part, to the re-opening of non-essential businesses and individuals becoming more lax with quarantining during the holidays. Unfortunately, the number of deaths caused by Coronavirus is close to 300,000, according to the New York Times.

The need for adequate screening is more important than ever before, given the high number of new cases each day.

How This Affects Your Business

The second wave of COVID-19 may have quite a few negative consequences for your company. First, customers and employees are put at risk every time they step into your place of business. As a business owner, you’re responsible for keeping your patrons and employees safe.

Second, these individuals will also want to feel safe when entering your building and not at high risk for contracting the virus. Companies implementing proper safety measures and going above and beyond to keep their customers and employees safe are being praised for their efforts and are opening themselves up to more business opportunities.

How EBT Screening Technology Can Help

The most noticeable symptom exhibited by those infected by COVID-19 is an elevated body temperature, so temperature screening has proven to be effective at limiting the number of potential carriers in a given area.

However, traditional temperature screening can be time-consuming, is subject to human error, and will limit the rate at which people can enter your building.

EBT screening uses high-tech thermal cameras to screen anyone entering your building. They are typically more accurate, with several EBT screening systems that can scan multiple people simultaneously. They also keep your employees distanced from those entering your place of business, so it adds a layer of protection for both parties.

When you’re ready to have an EBT screening system installed in your building for improved workflow and safety for both employees and customers, contact one of our highly-trained EBT screening experts for information on how straightforward and safe the process can be.